Two-Week Meltdown? OpenAI Chief Predicts Human Reaction to Artificial Super intelligence

No red button for AGI, says OpenAI's chief. He predicts a two-week global wobble, then collaborative control.

World Freaks for 2 Weeks? OpenAI Chief on AGI's Arrival
Sam Altman predicts a two-week global wobble, then collaborative control.

Get ready for a techie twist on that classic "calm and carry on" advice, because Sam Altman, head honcho at OpenAI, just dropped a bombshell prediction: when Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) finally cracks the code, the world will have a two-week freakout. 

"I believe we will make something that qualifies as AGI," Altman declared, "and the world will have a two-week freakout."

Remember the whirlwind hype around GPT-4, that mind-blowing language model? Yeah, Altman sees a similar initial frenzy, then a collective dust settling as folks adjust to the new normal. 

This, folks, is a refreshingly chill take on the often-doom-and-gloom AGI narrative.

"Society has a lot of inertia," Altman explains. "We're building an impressive tool, but humans gonna human. We'll invent AGI faster than most think, but the initial impact will be subtle. The big changes come later."

But what about controlling this superpowered brainchild? Altman throws cold water on the "magic red button" fantasy. 

"There's no one-man show here," he says. "No single entity dictates AGI's destiny. This is a community effort, a marathon of safety measures and open collaboration."

So, should we stock up on canned goods and hide in bunkers? Not so fast, dear reader. Altman's prediction, while unconventional, paints a picture of human resilience and collaborative adaptation. 

Maybe AGI won't be the singularity skynet-style apocalypse we've been bracing for, but rather a gradual, humanity-defining chapter in our evolutionary saga. 

Now, that's a story worth keeping an eye on.

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