Insights Teams Essential for Data-Driven Marketing, Says New Report

A new report by Zappi and the AMA reveals the crucial role of well-connected data and insights teams in driving business success. The report highlights the challenges of systematizing data and the growing importance of AI in the insights function.

Zappi and AMA Report: Connected Insights are Key to Business Success
Zappi and the AMA's report on connected insights highlights the growing importance of AI in the insights function. The study reveals that insights professionals are more likely than marketers to spearhead AI initiatives. Symbolic image

Chicago, Illinois, USA – August 29, 2024:

A new report released by Zappi, a leading consumer insights platform, and the American Marketing Association (AMA) sheds light on the future of data, AI, and technology in marketing.

The report, titled "The Connected Insights Imperative," is based on a survey of 715 marketing and consumer insights professionals. It provides a comprehensive overview of how companies are leveraging consumer insights and technology, the role of insights teams, and the adoption of AI in the insights function. 

The survey revealed that insights teams are increasingly viewed as strategic partners within organizations. A significant majority (83%) of respondents expressed satisfaction with their company's insights function, and 69% believe insights are massively influential in shaping business decisions. 

While the importance of insights teams is evident, the report also highlights the need for further development. Only 21% of companies have dedicated insights departments, with many relying on smaller teams or individual market researchers. This suggests that there is still room for growth and specialization in the insights function. 

The report found that companies are increasingly adopting technology to gather and analyze consumer insights. However, many still face challenges in systematizing and connecting their data. Budget constraints, disconnected data, and time limitations are among the primary obstacles cited by respondents. 

Despite these challenges, the majority of respondents (57%) believe their companies have a high level of consumer data and insights maturity. This suggests that while there is room for improvement, many organizations are making progress in leveraging data to inform their marketing strategies. 

The report also explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the insights function. Insights professionals are more likely than marketers to spearhead AI initiatives, with over 35% strongly agreeing on the critical importance of using AI for consumer insights. The majority (57%) believe it is vital for their company to employ AI tools to harness consumer data effectively. 

AI can help organizations to process large amounts of data more efficiently, identify patterns and trends, and generate insights that would be difficult or impossible for humans to uncover. However, the report also notes that AI is not a silver bullet and should be used in conjunction with human expertise. 

The report introduces the Connected Insights Framework, a model that helps companies to assess their current level of data and insights maturity and identify areas for improvement. The framework consists of three levels: Disconnected, Partially Connected, and Connected. 

Companies that are at the Disconnected level have fragmented data and insights that are not well-integrated. Those at the Partially Connected level have made some progress in connecting their data but still face challenges. Companies at the Connected level have a high level of data and insights maturity and are able to effectively leverage data to inform their marketing strategies. 

The Connected Insights Imperative report provides valuable insights into the future of data, AI, and technology in marketing. It highlights the importance of well-connected insights teams, the challenges of systematizing data, and the growing role of AI in the insights function. By understanding these trends, organizations can better position themselves to leverage data and insights to drive business success.

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