Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Completes World's Largest PS Core Network Consolidation

Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison completes the world's largest PS core network consolidation project, transforming network performance and delivering a superior digital experience to Indonesian customers.

Indosat and Huawei Partner for a Smarter Network
Indosat Improves Digital Experience for Indonesian Customers. Image: IOH

Jakarta, Indonesia – August 28, 2024:

Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison (Indosat), Indonesia's leading digital telco, has successfully completed a massive core network consolidation project in collaboration with Huawei. This project marks a significant milestone in Indosat's journey toward providing a world-class digital experience to its customers.

The consolidation project involved transforming the network of over 100 million users across 26 core locations in Indonesia within 14 months. By adopting cloud-native technology and innovative dual-engine container solutions, Indosat and Huawei were able to significantly improve network performance and reduce time-to-market for new services.

The project has resulted in noticeable improvements for Indosat's customers, especially in rural and remote areas. Users in Kalimantan have experienced a 15% increase in average downlink speed and an 11% reduction in average round trip time for Facebook usage. Additionally, customers in Central Java have reported better performance for gaming and live video streaming.

Desmond Cheung, Director and Chief Technology Officer of Indosat, expressed his pride in achieving this groundbreaking feat. "This project demonstrates our unwavering commitment to delivering an exceptional digital experience to our customers," he said. "By completing this consolidation, we are paving the way for future innovation and growth."

George Gao, President of Huawei Cloud Core Network Product Line, echoed Cheung's sentiments. "We are delighted to have been a part of this successful project," he said. "Huawei will continue to support Indosat in its efforts to enhance network connectivity and accelerate service innovation."

The completion of the core network consolidation project is a testament to the technological strengths, hard work, and collaboration between Indosat and Huawei. Both companies are committed to working together to build a more intelligent, efficient, and secure mobile communication network for Indonesia.

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