Rockit Offers Innovative Solution to Methane Emissions

Rockit, a clean technology company, presents a groundbreaking solution to reduce methane emissions by transforming porous rocks into impermeable barriers.

Rockit A Game-Changer for Methane Mitigation
Rockit's innovative approach offers a promising solution to the urgent issue of methane emissions, potentially contributing to global climate change mitigation efforts. Symbolic image

Edinburgh, Scotland, UK – September 09, 2024:

A groundbreaking development in the fight against climate change has emerged from Heriot-Watt University. Rockit, a clean technology company, has unveiled a revolutionary method that could significantly reduce methane emissions from aging oil and gas wells.

By injecting a specialized chemical into methane-leaking wells, Rockit aims to transform the porous rock into a solid, impermeable seal. This innovative approach could lock harmful greenhouse gases underground for thousands of years, potentially preventing millions of tonnes of emissions annually.

Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, has a warming effect over 80 times that of carbon dioxide in the short term. The International Energy Agency estimates that reducing methane emissions by 45% by 2030 could play a crucial role in achieving the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Traditional methods of sealing abandoned wells are time-consuming and expensive. Rockit's technology offers a more efficient and effective solution. By permanently altering the rock structure, it creates a long-lasting barrier against methane leakage.

Recognizing the potential of Rockit's innovation, Scottish Enterprise has accepted the company into its prestigious High Growth Spinout program. The £75,000 funding will enable Rockit to advance its research and development efforts.

The team behind Rockit believes that their technology could have a significant impact on global methane emissions. By addressing the issue of leaking wells, they aim to contribute to a more sustainable future.

As Rockit continues to develop and refine its technology, the world watches with anticipation. If successful, this breakthrough could be a game-changer in the fight against climate change.

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